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Virtual Visual Field

Visual Field Perimetry

Visual Field Perimetry, even though a cornerstone of glaucoma diagnosis, has always been a cumbersome and difficult test to administer as well as undergo. It was the only standard test to assess the functional damage due to glaucoma for several decades and had not evolved much despite rapid advancements in technology. This is now the era of Virtual Reality! Virtual Reality has revolutionized the Perimetry test! Virtual Field is a head-mounted, eye-tracking perimeter, that does the equivalent of a full threshold 24-2 visual field. In addition to manual patient response with a click, it can also do an innovative technique called Visual Grasp, where the eye tracker detects change in gaze as detection of stimulus. This mode utilizes the natural tendency to look at a new, moving, or transient visual stimulus. Dr, Spind is proud to now offer this advanced technology to his patients. Book your appointment today!